Thursday, June 2, 2011

Spelling Bee Sukanya Roy Wins ..!!!

Sukanya Roy is the winner of the 84th Scripps National Spelling Bee.

South India and the U.S. Abington, Pennsylvania. It was the first runner Laura Newcombe evil, the word "cymotrichous - wavy hair.

Sukanya, 14, will be at home more than $ 40,000 in cash and prizes. Now is the fourth consecutive year, American Indians, the title of Scripps Spelling Bee in the ninth and last years 13 win.
"I went through the dictionary once or twice, he said," and I think some of the words at all. "

She participated in the bee once three, tied for 12 th place in 2009 and 20 in 2010.

Newcombe, 12, of Toronto, the second test of three hours on national television in Washington, DC. He tried the first Canadian to win the bee, but the word of the French left "sorites" derivative.

10. Round of Spelling Bee, Thursday, was published in the last 13 of 275 CC of spelling throughout the country and the world.

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