Thursday, June 2, 2011

Tim Tebo publishes new book?

If you know the name of Tim Tebow, "drop in virtually all football fans in America that I mean a young quarterback for the Florida Gators two national championships, won the Heisman Trophy winner in 2007 and was in the first round written by the Denver Broncos in 2010. Tim Tebow mention many, but by no means all, of the pro-life and may have a vague recollection that Tebow is pro-life they have. (More on that in a second .)

But if you mention the name of Tim Tebow in favor of abortion, like the National Organization of Women, the Women's Center of the media and the Feminist Majority Foundation, which was probably grinding your teeth. To destroy everything Tebow frustrated.

It will be recalled, Focus on the Family was a 30-second spot in the Super Bowl purchased in 2010. As much as the trio (and others) huffed and puffed, refused to CBS with threats to boycott the production.

Regardless of abortion advocates who believed that it would be on the screen (the theme was "celebrate family, celebrate life) experienced what the United States about half a minute of Tim and his mother, Pam was at a point that was on the verge of losing a baby and his mother, or protecting his son play football.

But the ad served its purpose: the Tebows reached capacity (and humor), while the pro-abortion, even had to be a bastion of intolerance occurs when CBS tried to muscle.

Tim has a new book this week entitled "Through my eyes." I had tried to obtain an advance copy, but Harper Collins, as paranoid as all editors are capable of doing the book until the day he sent to libraries. That means I am part of the route "Through my eyes."

I know many stories, many parents of Tim missionaries in the Philippines, and when Pam had Tim Tebow, serious complications occurred. How bad I did not realize until I read the first chapter.

The pregnancy was difficult from the beginning, characterized by pain and bleeding. "Sometimes they were sure I had missed," he writes. Her parents went to the best doctor in your area of ​​the Philippines, the mother in a slow monotone, he said. "An abortion is the only way to save his life"

Tim wrote: "According to her, the" mass of fetal tissue "or" had to leave the tumor. "

A couple of devotees, who left "a bit shocked and numb, but firm in what will be taken later." Pam Tebow experienced "an unexpected and indescribable peace. The peace of God ..."

"Miraculously," the bleeding, then disappeared, so I was able to fly to Manila. When Tim was "followed immediately by a blood clot that was bigger than me."

The doctor said his father, "Mr. Tebow, his son is a miracle baby. I can not explain how it happened, but despite all odds and beat them. Only a small part of the placenta was attached, but it was enough to your baby fed all these months. "

But they were out of danger, or Pam or time.

"Breast surgery when he was a week old, and was finally back to health problems for many months. The doctor told my parents if they had come to Manila, the mother did not survive my birth.

Tim adds: "My mom, dad and family were very grateful for memories of my arrival, and thank the Lord for his protection, both my mother and me."

As I said, I get "Through my eyes." No error will Tim and co-author Nathan Whitaker in Proust. The style is so open and transparent as Tim is. And how convenient.

During the riots of the Super Bowl, Tim silently embraced his pro-life principles. Leo is a newspaper account at the time, "said Tebow has deep convictions about the abortion issue because of the story of his mother."

Tebow said: "I know some people agree with him, but I think we can at least respect that I have to stand by what I believe."

All are remarkable and Tebow family as they live their beliefs pro-life is an inspiration. The book is "Through My Eyes", available at any bookstore or Amazon. com.