Friday, June 3, 2011

Can You Get Powerball Numbers For June 1 ?

North Carolina - If you notice Kiran Tella, "all in one store, and immediately everybody knows.

"Those who support the company," he said.

store customers to see not only. Well, maybe not right to see Kiran. Many people consider the record as a blessing.

Two people have already won big there. One hit and one earned $ 491,000 to $ 200,000.

"We expect the third place winner, because everything comes in threes, right?" Tella said

Beverly Bass has made plans for what to do with all that money.

"I want my property to buy. Buying a new home. Buy a new car and a journey of science. Happy. And help some of my friends and family," he said.

Of course, everyone knows that the chances are slim. But you know you can always focus on that Kiran is ... win or lose.

Those who can win two ways. You can use the full amount - in this case 200 million U.S. dollars - which received more than 30 years.

You can also get a small sink and $ 105,200,000 worldwide in this particular game.

The government had 32 percent of his money before he saw a dime. If you pay over time, to get $ 64 million to the government. If you prefer to have more money in a bag of Uncle Sam, $ 33,700,000.

Wednesday, June 1 edition are: 08-18-38-46-56, Powerball: 31 Power Play: 4

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