Friday, June 3, 2011

Find Powerball TickeT worth $ 200,000 from the garbage

Raleigh, North Carolina (News) - James Dixon, a maintenance supervisor retired from Burlington, has almost made ​​the mistake of launching a Powerball ticket, which was now worth $ 200,000. Dixon, all five white balls in 21 Drawing vote in May, the bill went to check their numbers in the newspaper. Fifteen minutes after taking the waste for collection, he acknowledged the figures show the previous day were reviewed. Something told him to get the ticket from the trash and look for their number on the website of the lottery.

"Litter on the street was ready to be picked, "said Dixon. .. "I went and pulled the bag he took and threw everything in a laundry basket, so I thought, looked at me and Powerball number was a distant point, I checked the number first and said. Well, I'm the first "Then I watched the second and third. I just started feeling numb. "

Dixon said the numbness and disbelief had not calmed down, but wait for your check to receive nThis headquarters in Raleigh. It was a great effort to demonstrate his victory, calling the hotline several times and scanned sellers nThis lottery ticket and two Wilco Webb Street in Burlington, where it was purchased a ticket.

successful receipt of your check for $ 136,000 after taxes, lottery officials said Dixon, he will use his winnings to pay their mortgages and spending some time in the mountains with his family.

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