Thursday, June 9, 2011

Cupertino City Council ; Cupertino headquarters

 A few hours after the start of the surprise of Steve Jobs at Cupertino City Council seat on the division of Apple (AAPL) new employees ecstasy Wednesday grill futuristic round building like a big commitment to the company and its CEO more bombs in municipal results, pushing the total height of Silicon Valley, and create an icon of American architecture in the process.

"This is unprecedented in the United States," said Kelly Kline, the remodeling of city manager and economic development. "It's really to create a legacy."

The legacy that really belongs to Jobs, who left on sick leave on Tuesday night, looking frail, but the building with the launch of enthusiasm for the brand you use for the iPhone and the beginning of the iPad.

"It looks a bit like a spaceship has landed," he admitted that the council's work, when it appeared only a few hours warning. "But it is there."

Slideshow arenalike Apple has filed a four-story structure, spread over 180 hectares that Apple has acquired since 2006 in the north of Interstate 280, with a capacity of 12,000 employees - and designed to have the greatest admiration for the British architect Sir Norman Foster.

like a weed "

In his appearance municipality - its second public appearance this week after appearing Monday in an Apple developer conference - Jobs started talking about their years of growth in Cupertino. Jobs told the council that the city was special for him and his company in recent years, and remind them of the importance of Apple for the city.

"I think we found a way to stay in Cupertino, he said, noting that politicians", as they are its largest contributors, we'd be happy. "

Running in his speech, Jobs told the Council that "Apple is growing like a weed and needs to expand from its current location in infinite loop.

But not only building the company's offerings. It was an architectural marvel, a large circle with rows of overlapping windows along the curved profile of the structure so that "no single piece of flat glass in this building.

"I think we have the opportunity to build the best office building in the world," said Jobs. "I really believe that architecture students come here to see this. I think I can be that good."

The project schedule that promises to be fast and furious, city officials expect the preliminary plans for Apple in the coming days, an environmental impact study by the end of summer, after public hearings in the fall of 2012, followed immediately by the final review by the City. Apple expects to open the way for next year and a new headquarters in 2015.

If ever there was a project with his skates greased right out of the box, what it is.

"There is no chance that we will say no," said Mayor Gilberto Wong, a group of journalists and workers gathered in the lobby of City Hall. "If Steve Jobs had his way, you probably would love to have completed its new campus in the morning. It will not be overnight, but we are willing to do everything possible to bring more people to ensure that everything is s on track and on time.

"After all," Wong said, "This is one of the cleanest buildings in the U.S. and is sure to become a destination of the construction site for people around the world."

City officials vertigo

For a city of 55,162, was something of a star struck moment. Asked about the striking design, in which Steve Jobs, have played an intimate members, the board said he was impressed when I saw it.

"It's like, well, beautiful," said Councilman Barry Chang.

- 'Wow' is the term ‰ device, "said fellow councilman Orrin Mahoney." There is no such thing. And while some people may wonder why a president is not so involved in this level of detail in a company headquarters, with Steve, it is not surprising at all. It is part of the design of Apple products, and this building is a product of his latest. "

It's hard to blame the authorities for their vertigo. Given the crisis of recession, most cities would kill for a bunker by large firms. But with Apple riding high on the great success of the iPhone and iPad, and leaving only the announcement this week of a major effort in computing in the cloud, the company had its roots deeper reason enough for your enthusiasm.

"With a difficult Sacramento, Cupertino, like other cities, is more dependent than ever on taxes," said Wong. And while officials would not disclose how much tax money the city has annual sales of Apple, the mayor said the expansion of the new school is "a big hit in the arm for us."

Although the numbers are impressive preliminary work began. The current campus, which has 2,600 employees, will remain open until the new headquarters to house 12,000 employees in 3.1 million square feet of new offices. Jobs did not disclose figures or say how many new workers are hired, but said Apple is "to improve our performance by 20 percent."

The expansion of the workforce

The city said that Apple now owns or leases 60 properties in the city. And while some of these workers could be placed on the new campus, Mr. Jobs said the size of the company is expanding so fast it has all the space you can get.

Officials struggle to find a precedent for the profession of employment. Walt Disney, who often compares the job, left its theme parks. But once completed, this campus would be without parallel, he said, especially because it carries the prestige of the architects behind the internationally acclaimed works as the dome of the Reichstag in Berlin. Somehow, the circle, surrounded by 6. 000 trees and orchards of apricot as they did thrive here, is synonymous with the use of human rights and Apple, the company he co-founded 30 years ago in his parents' house in Los Altos next.

"We're definitely a city associated with a company," Mahoney said. "But if you will be connected to a company, we