Friday, June 3, 2011

A New Mutation: X-Men, First Class Fox

In the new film "X-Men: First Class, a group of people apparently normal, with some very unusual features to wonder whether the world will embrace them.
The studio behind the film, 20th Century Fox, is facing a similar problem.
Although the fifth on the superhero franchise mutants resembles many Hollywood offerings of the summer - an action movie with big budget based on a popular series of comic books - the last "X-Men" is a creature very different from that present unique challenges of marketing.

The film, which cost the Fox News Corp., owner and two financial partners to generate $ 160 million before taxes, to replace its most profitable star, Hugh Jackman, with a body of evidence so young actors, led by James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender.

It is also the most ambitious production yet from director Matthew Vaughn, best known on a smaller scale, independent films such as last year Kick-Ass "and 2005's thriller" Layer Cake ".

And "X-Men" is against historical events such as the Cuban missile crisis in 1962 that are unknown to many audience film teens and twenties.

Fox executives say they believe that some of these characteristics will not be in your favor that the film opens this weekend.

"We feel we have a number of major benefits," said Oren Aviv, director of marketing for the Fox chief. "It's a film that feels contemporary, but the iconic images of the 1960s."

Fearing that could delay a superhero audience, marketing executives debated whether to include a famous speech by President Kennedy on the nuclear crisis on the movie trailer. Ultimately, they chose to let you

The original story, depicting characters from previous films in its early years, focuses on a motley crew of humans with superpowers, subtle, led by an idealistic professor (McAvoy) and a Holocaust survivor vindictive ( Fassbender). She pushes in a battle between life and death with a nasty cold high-stakes mutant played by Kevin Bacon, and a war game between the Americans and Soviets.

combination of "X-Men," the most serious themes - including a debate on the ethics of revenge - with high-octane visual effects sequences is rare for a popcorn movie of the summer. But rather than alienate some viewers, the studio believes it will attract both public and sophisticated thrill-seeking.

"We sell what an action film based on the characters," said Aviv.

In addition to obstacles, the new "X-Men" has moved from a mere concept to finished film in almost a year, giving the studio soon wait for the full-on sort of marketing blitz that often accompanies a press release major studios. The film is not in 3-D, which negates the advantage of the studio with the highest price of the ticket.

Yet the film has won praise from many critics, who praised his performance and tone.

Fox hopes to capitalize on the power of the brand of Marvel Comics, which has generated a series of film that has grossed more than $ 1.5 billion worldwide since the first installment on the screens in 2000.

But despite ticket sales 460 million U.S. dollars worldwide, the third film, Brett Ratner of "X-Men: The Last Stand" in 2006, left a bad taste in many fans. In 2009, Worldwide sales of tickets for spin-off "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" has fallen nearly 19% of its predecessor, showing that the franchise had lost. Now, two years later, Fox is asking the public to turn away Hero cinema and embrace something new.

The film does not fit into any specific category.

"It's so funny that everyone wants to define films these days - a prequel, a reboot, a story of origins," said Emma Watts, president of the Fox production. "But every situation is unique. I wish I could give that clear. "

This hybrid quality has been praised by many critics, who welcomed the film with enthusiasm.

Bryan Singer, who directed the first two "X-Men" movies, but withdrew the next two years, returned to the series as a producer who came up with the concept of "X-Men class. Abord According to M . Singer, is also aware of the delicate balance between drawing the film in the previous photos and standing on its own.

"There are many" First Class ", which dates back to early film" X-Men ", but also an energy that is new," he said. "You do not want to change the essence, but you can change the history. "

Aviv and other senior executives of Fox compares their attempt to rejuvenate the "X-Men" to "Batman Begins" director Christopher Nolan, who helped revive the Warner Bros. 'superhero tired franchise. He also spawned a sequel, "The Dark Knight", which reached $ 1 billion in ticket sales worldwide, and helped redefine the comic book adaptations like something more fanboy escape.

Fox, which does not count the number of franchises in your arsenal, as some of its rivals, is struggling to achieve a similar fate. If "X-Men: First Class" resonates with the public - the studio will be a good indication that Sunday morning - gives an opportunity to build a new series. Singer said it would study the mutants as they matured through different historical periods, from Vietnam to this day.

To do this, the franchise would probably go with the troop-and-forth new film, which also includes Fassbender McAvoy and "Mad Men" star January Jones and 2011 Oscar nominee Jennifer Lawrence. The new faces of Fox marketing executives say, will attract a younger audience, especially given the film's theme of alienation.

"Traditionally, [hero] films the characters are older. But many of them are new here, and we feel younger part of the audience relate to what the film has to say," said Tony Sella Fox theater marketing. "Who feels more of a poor 16-years?