Friday, June 17, 2011


Powerful flashes of gamma rays detected first by NASA in late March of this year may have been the death rattle of a star like a black hole the size of the Sun before falling into a dormant state and run, astronomers said Thursday.
Two teams of researchers from the University of California at Berkeley and the University of Warwick in England, agreed that the flashing light seen by the Swift satellite of NASA on March 28 was indeed a black hole eat star was very confident, according to a report published online Thursday by the journal Science.
NASA's Swift satellite, which will bring the world of gamma-ray bursts, detected the flash of light in the constellation Draco. Astronomers thought it was a burst of powerful gamma rays emitted by a star collapses, one of the most powerful explosions in the universe, which usually disappear within minutes.
However, when the flash supported for weeks, but lost in intensity, they realized that it was not a typical gamma ray burst at all.
Using space telescopes and transmission of the earth, scientists finally determined that the explosions were caused by the space occupied by a black hole of the star, resulting in high emissions of radiation from Earth is like a star cinema.
Scientists said the cosmic event continues to be visible this week, while the design of a black hole has been marked as inactive before the event. The astronomers said their normal functions of the rotation of objects and accumulate in your path and vision can not be excluded.
Astronomers suspect that the gamma emission began on 24 or 25 of the sea at a distance of about 3.8 million light-years from Earth.
"It's really different from any other explosive event that we have seen before. It's really unlike anything I attempt, "said Joshua Bloom, University of California-Berkeley, co-author of the explosion of research published in the journal Science, reported Reuters.
"We have a dormant black hole differently, not to occupy a significant amount of mass, and becomes the star is now in an orbit near the hole is black," says Bloom.
A black hole is a region of space from which nothing, not even light, can escape. The theory of general relativity predicts that mass distorts space-time compact enough to form a black hole. There are two main types of black holes.
The first is the black hole is born of the death of stars, sometimes more or less the mass of our sun. These stars end their lives when the hydrogen fuel that compose the burning inside the star, causing the star to collapse.
The second type is a supermassive black hole, from the mass of hundreds of thousands of times more massive than our Sun, about a billion times the mass, not the center of galaxies. Most of the galaxies, and possibly including the Milky Way, is expected to contain a supermassive black hole at the center.