Friday, June 10, 2011

surfer Andy Irons died

world, three times champion Andy Irons Surfing died at age 32 of a heart attack 30 hours after undergoing apparently taking cocaine, his family said in disseminating the results of the autopsy and toxicology.

Irons is considered one of the greatest competitive surfers in the world and fans wave, was found dead in November in his hotel room in Dallas. Indicated that it was while he was suffering from serious dengue fever tropics.

Conducted by an autopsy the medical examiner in Tarrant County, Texas, ruled in October and found dengue Irons Died of cardiac arrest due to severe obstruction of the main artery of the heart, his family said in a statement Wednesday.

The independent medical examiner asked the family to Dr. Vincent Di Maio examine the autopsy report, he suffered and Irons end of hardening of the arteries.

"The gravity of this plate, located in the anterior coronary artery, is often associated with sudden death," Di Maio said in a statement.

The doctor said that even if the hardening of the arteries begins to applaud Usually people approaching age 50, Irons had a "genetic predisposition" for the early development of the disease.

In addition, the family took typhoid Irons said five years ago, which could result in damage to his heart muscle.

The autopsy report indicates the secondary causes of death as "acute mixed drug ingestion," and cited the presence of Xanax, used to treat Irons What anxiety and insomnia, in his system, after the family .

Also found in the body Irons benzoylecgonine was essentially that the second independent expert, forensic toxicologist Gary H. Wimbish, described as a metabolic byproduct of cocaine, the statement said.

Wimbish said it appears Irons cocaine about 30 hours before his death, his family said.

"The family believes Andy was in some denial of the seriousness of his chemical imbalance and tend to blame their moods on himself and his own weaknesses, choosing to self-medicate with recreational drugs," the Irons family said in the statement.

A spokesman for the medical examiner said that the official autopsy and toxicology will be issued once an order sealing these documents expire June 20

The Irons family said in December they asked for a court order to delay the report because the widow Irons, Lynda, was about to give birth to the couple's son and I wanted to avoid unnecessary They insist on it .

Before his death, Irons has withdrawn from the contest surfing Rip Curl Search in Puerto Rico with flu symptoms, and he was placed on intravenous fluids for hydration, his family said.

He then flew to Miami to try to reach his home in Hawaii and join his wife, but he missed the connecting flight and ended up arriving at the hotel where he died in Dallas.

He won three consecutive world titles from 2002 to 2004.