Wednesday, June 8, 2011

South Park survivor TO BE A dREAM

She went to bed with his girlfriend at his home in South Park, who had to share.

She woke up with a naked man with a knife, demanding sex and threatening violence.

"I woke with a start and I could see there was a man with a knife in his right hand ...", said the survivor. "My first thought was, you must be a dream."

It was not.

According to prosecutors, Isaiah Kalebu spend the next 90 minutes for sexually assaulting two women in the house at Southwest, Rose before cutting the victim's throat and kills her boyfriend, 39, Teresa Butz.

Kalebu, 25, is currently being tested and face a mandatory life sentence in the case of King County jury convicted him of first degree murder with aggravating circumstances, which is also accused of rape, robbery and attempted homicide. Wednesday, Butz girlfriend testified against him for the first time.

Seattlepi. com does not usually reveal the names of alleged sexual assault victims without their permission.

In addition to victim testimony, prosecutors must give DNA sample and fingerprints substantial Kalebu was in place and victims of sexual violence. Kalebu lawyers announced their intention to seek Kalebu was crazy during the alleged attack.

Wednesday's testimony was so much love that was lost as if it were taken.

Led by all senior deputy prosecutor James Konate, a survivor - a Seattle woman raised in its last 30 - detail of the life she shares with Butz and hopes that died with her in the street July 19, 2009.

"They beat me"

They met by chance, and Butz.

First lay eyes on another site. It was a talent scout for a company that recently opened an office in Seattle. Butz is a property manager for Regis in control of your new space.

It was the place where they met, not exactly.

Training in Los Angeles, she had called the property management company trying to make something professional Butz. Butz did not remember. It was a great game in the first place.

She asked one of his best memories and a fun story, said he supported a woman testifies against man accused of murdering his girlfriend. She laughed and laughed at the crowd.

Butz said he was happy and positive, feisty and a bit difficult. A daughter of San Luis, who loved beer, rooted for the Cardinals and went to church on Sundays.

"When I saw her I knew I would know," he said. "There was something special about him ... a spark."

"I guess you could say I was impressed, he said.

They met on a bad day for Butz, July 31, 2007. Butz is a shame, it was something about an ex. He stopped by the office of Butz Butz and ordered a drink.

They walked and drank and drank coffee while Butz poured out his life. The night ended with a request.

"She said:" I have really wanted to kiss you, "he said.

"I think from that moment I knew it was perfect for me."

marriage plans, an unwanted guest

In the months that followed, she started spending nights at Rose Street Butz.

The place was nothing special, just three rooms in an apartment with a basement and an abandoned shed. Butz could not keep up with the court, and a tree took a wrought iron fence the day he went to live

"(Butz), which he loved," he said on the stand. "She had a passion for the house red."

Butz suggested, somehow, during Pride Week in Seattle in June 2008.

"I want to stay in the market," said Butz, his girlfriend, he said.

A year later, they were Ben Bridge Jeweler in the collection of rings. Butz surprised to four hours to choose something soft and sweet ", then buy a wedding dress for $ 70.

The jeweler threw in a pair of earrings to match the dress. Butz spent the night with them, shorts and a shirt.

"I think I felt great," said the groom.

Dreamed of children, opening a dinner theater, and I had some money hidden. They call the place of The Reel Café, Butz could appoint his own daughter - Rese - because the names are not a child to the mother.

Talked all night in his Friday afternoon together, sitting in his favorite position at your favorite restaurant, Northwest Loretta.

"I was like, I'm happy," he said Wednesday. "Right."

The next day was a visit to the brewery, a clothing accessory and a visit to his grandmother. They had to go to the party of a friend in Marysville, but do not.

Recalled that she went to bed at midnight, July 18. Butz wanted to go to church in the morning, a practice that had lost Sunday before he left the city.

When he awoke, he said, was a naked man in the room and had a knife.

July 19, 2009

It was a matter of fact by the holder. A singer, his voice carried to the hot room, the sound of swallowing.

Konate, the senior assistant prosecutor, had played the straight man, as she told funny stories of her life with Butz. Now it has been his guide through a horror show.

Since both were awake, "she said in the silence that would do them harm, that" only "wanted" pussy. "

The man - Kalebu, prosecutors - then began to rape women. The ordeal continued for about 90 minutes.

His victims were held hostage, the arguments go.

Station, the survivor said he was concerned that Butz was injured when trying something, and she thinks Butz thought so too.

"It was not only our own life we ​​were concerned," he said. "I remember thinking that if I'm good, so I stood still, will not hurt. ... I think the time was a rapist ... to leave because he was saying."

Butz prayed aloud, and moved slowly. She said she did not want to anger Kalebu and thought she would quit if they met.

When Kalebu was no violation, he leaned against a dresser, a kitchen knife resting on his thigh, "he said. The wait was torture.

"It was like waiting for the pain," he said. "It was much worse."


Intensifiedthe Kalebu Prosecutors allege physical abuse against women as she began to cut more aggressively in the neck of women.

The surviving victim began to lose large amounts of blood. Concerned about your partner that was going to die, prosecutors argued, rushed Kalebu Butz, then broke a bedroom window with a bedside table.

Mortally wounded, Butz dove through the window and ran to the room of her boyfriend, police said in court documents. Detectives say Kalebu then picked up her clothes and ran out of the house, was arrested days later after a Metro bus driver was recognized in a police report.

Speaking of support, survivor recalled some of his last words to his girlfriend about it.

"Sorry," said Butz. "Sorry."

Kalebu remained in the King County Jail since his arrest, but was taken to Western State Mental Hospital for further review during the period before the test.

Prosecutors asked the jury to convict Kalebu indicted on charges of murder and rape and attempted first degree murder to aggravated Kalebu sentenced to life imprisonment without possibility of parole.

First-degree aggravated murder has only two possible sentences - life imprisonment or death. King County Prosecutor Dan Satterberg has decided not to pursue the death penalty in the case, partly because the story Kalebu mental illness.

The trial is scheduled to resume Thursday and continue until mid-July.