Tuesday, June 7, 2011

George Stephanopoulos; Interview With Rahm Emanuel

George Stephanopoulos: Okay. Mr. Mayor, thank you for this.
Rahm Emanuel: Thanks.
George Stephanopoulos: So, two weeks, you used to hear Mr. Mayor?

Rahm Emanuel: I'm what?
George Stephanopoulos: opportunity to hear Mr. Mayor?
Rahm Emanuel: (laughs) I always (unintelligible). It is interesting. Many people have been "Hey Rahm," by their first names. So -
George Stephanopoulos: And that's okay with you?
Rahm Emanuel: Yeah.
George Stephanopoulos: You know, for most of the last six days -
Rahm Emanuel: That's what comes after that, I'm more nervous.
George Stephanopoulos: Well, ... you have a hard act to follow. For most of the last six decades, Sam Daley in this office. Will it be difficult to escape that shadow?
Rahm Emanuel: I think so. One, the public is ready for a change. And credit to Mayor Daley, he knew they were ready for a change. He left a big city. A lot of good work he did. And I do not mean just physically, but it ceases to be a manifestation of this. But there is a change that must occur. And it was the epoch of change, in that we have the shortest day of school and grade in the country ... worked on getting the legislation so that now we can reverse this so that our children can actually get a day of university classes, and be in a safe place.
Some parts of our city has a per capita murder rate worse than New York. I have just announced 500 new police positions in the office the streets. And I went to the captain today. We have to make these changes. And one day, I was not even within 24 hours, cutting $ 75 million from the budget of Mayor Daley.
George Stephanopoulos: Do you still have a deficit of $ 700 million.
Rahm Emanuel: What George. Thus, in all respects to ethics reform, to put the finances in order, change the way we organize our schools, putting police on the ground. In all respects, voters who wanted change began to make advances to make changes.
George Stephanopoulos: What kind of sacrifices are Chicagoans will have to do if you close that gap?

Rahm Emanuel: Well, one thing that 75 million dollars: I put a ten percent cut in the mayor's office. The second day, the city council for the first time, fewer committees since the Second World War and ten percent budget cuts to City Hall. Everyone has skin in the game when it comes to belt-tightening. But there are also other things. Not only tighten the belt, which makes things different and more effective. And we will do so - all this - to close the gap.
George Stephanopoulos: And that must buy I wonder if you know you say that you said in your possession, you will not follow the path of Scott Walker, Scott Walker Governor John Kasich of Ohio. But you have more sympathy for the challenges facing Chris Scott Walker and Christie's have experience? What about the change that required unions as well?
Rahm Emanuel: Well, here's the thing. I do not think I was rejected with a financial crisis to achieve a political goal. I also heard that the assumption that we will do what we did in the past and hope for a different result is also a strategy that failed. I think both are wrong and Chicago for their future. Now we have just adopted the most comprehensive reform of education in the country.
It gives the board the possibility of extending the school day and school year so children can learn and be safe. tenure reform, so keep good teachers, let go badly, and reward with merit pay. It passed the Senate 59-0. Democrats and Republicans. This is a different strategy. I said to the former does not work, we will not try to do something political. In fact, we'll try to do the only thing that had ever been attempted in education here in Illinois and Chicago. Not only rhetoric, but we really put children first.
George Stephanopoulos: You mentioned that his first day, you passed the decrees issued decrees on the reform of ethics. Which brings me to a question to our readers questions for you. And we had Tom Nealon of Midlothian, Illinois. He says, "Chicago is a very bad reputation for corrupt politicians. How do you intend to change that image?"
Rahm Emanuel: Well, there are two things we did. In fact, I was, I went to my opening. We came here with my family. I returned to this truth table in this room where you sit ... And I signed six decrees. I shut the revolving door. You work for me, you can not lobby for two years, when you leave. And there were five other decrees that prohibit lobbyists from contributing to campaigns. It was Tuesday. It was, however, on Monday. On Wednesday, in addition to this, the City Council for approval by the ethics law itself, which asked them to do so.
What if you are a former city council member and you have committed a crime because the public is not allowed on the floor of City Hall or more in the back room, took that away. Now these are the first set of measures. Now I also want to bring a level of transparency to the operation of City Hall, as we do not bid contracts, and provide, we are doing panels how the city government.
So it's not just a reform of ethics. She brings to the public part of the process they need to have that confidence. I am a progressive vision of government. I think the government can be a positive force. But if people have a cynical attitude about public service or government or members of government, you can not start shopping for the government to be a force for change.
George Stephanopoulos: And many politicians in Chicago have given a good reason.
Rahm Emanuel: Absolutely. The two Chicago, Illinois, and the two parties. And part of what I do and I want to make changes, and I said so many times - that's why the IG for the former independent city of Chicago has approved my request and my suggestion - that I want people to have confidence that our time in the Public Service serves the public.
George Stephanopoulos: You've worked at all levels of politics. You've worked in Congress. You've been a member of Congress. You worked on presidential campaigns. Have you worked in the White House. What is different about this -
Rahm Emanuel: It's like I have this gray hair (laughs).

George Stephanopoulos: I understand that. What is different?
Rahm Emanuel: Let me - I'm so glad you asked that question. Let me give you today. Ok? I announced the first city - a city in the country - with Comcast, a strategy for digital inclusion. If you are on the free lunch at our school, you can now get a voucher of $ 150 to buy a computer. substantial discount. Your connection to broadband Internet is $ 60 per month for $ 10. Educational training as a whole, all paid by Comcast. Over 20 million investment to address the digital divide. First city in the country.
While I was there, I went to District 7 for the master (unintelligible). He received 55 of 500 police, about ten percent of a district, the Englewood area. I said, "Well, tell me how you are using. Where is he? Where do you put them? "Then we walk through the units of the CTA, the CTA children go to school, also dealing with empty homes and then (unintelligible). These are the three strategies that he wants to use the option - which had 500 officers, who announced the street from the back office clerical work really beat cops. So I wanted to, I checked, he received all the bids, the Sunday. On the morning of Monday, I was on the morning of Tuesday, I'm in control "How is used and what is your strategy? What are you doing here? "Third, I went to school our math and science (unintelligible), one of our special schools.
And I talked to the children how they do in their access points. Like ... they are 100 per cent of children take the ACT at the university. His "in the southside area Englewood, Lindblom. Eighty-seven percent go to college. What do you do in math and science? What do you learn?" I was sitting in math class in an AP and a computer room. In this work, I am not talking about public safety, check with a commander will use about 55 policemen.
George Stephanopoulos: So you're down and you can access -

Rahm Emanuel: This is the greatest - I played - I told Bill Daley, the other day if I had known it was this big, I primaried Richie four years ago. (Laughter) I think - and you can talk to people. And you begin to say nothing about the crime, you start to really check on a captain. And you start to really try to make the difficult decision. When the police are taking and how we can move - what neighborhood?
The check-in at a school with a Director who has another assistant director who will the new leaders of new schools, that am a big supporter of the main formation. What schools can I do to another school? They (unintelligible). Here on the south side, the largest Chinese language classes in high Lindblom.
George Stephanopoulos: Your Number One of the constituents, the president of the United States. Will he give advice?
Rahm Emanuel: Yeah. (Laughter) It a. Yes, we talked several times with the education of both - he was proud of what we do on the new policies for the duration of the day and year and agrarian reform, public safety - but was also impressed when we did, I announced last week, General Electric has a thousand jobs in the city. They are adding a thousand jobs. They are doubling in the city of Chicago. Now it will be the largest outside the city of Connecticut for GE employees. We talk about economic development and the decisions that have to do.
George Stephanopoulos: He called you last week, when he went to APAC. He said he did not need your advice.
Rahm Emanuel: He called for both of us - this is true, it does not.
George Stephanopoulos: But, but, you know, the president goes too far? How many problems it poses to yourself?
Rahm Emanuel: Well, I think - George, my first focus is on what's happening in Englewood, held at Lindblom High. I watched the speech. I watched everything he said in support of Israel with security. And I saw the president that I worked. And it was constant with respect to Israel's security as its primary concern.
George Stephanopoulos: So for all -
Rahm Emanuel: - when dealing with the peace process.
George Stephanopoulos: Any pro-Israel Democrats who have been comfortable with that, you do not think they should be.
Rahm Emanuel: I'm so if they can watch the speech so they can see a different speech. I read - I read the speech, and I saw the same president who left the Durban Conference. The president was clear about not using the UN for an independent action. It must be made in the negotiations. And I think the president, as I worked, is compatible with Israel strategic military advantage.
George Stephanopoulos: You're here in the Midwest. The president will do well here, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, where he will be reelected next year. What is the most important thing to do?
Rahm Emanuel: Well, look, it does what I do. Focusing on the basic concerns that we talk to the kitchen table. We do not - I'm also very happy, but only from my point of view. Economically disadvantaged people. They try to survive. They try to get a salary from the beginning until the end of the month and pay the bills and still have things left. Yes, here in Chicago, I can say that is optimistic, but given the changes we do, we are really doing what is good for the future.
He knows what to do, which is the same thing I'm trying to do - very, very playing field, much smaller. Listen to their concerns and ensure we meet and we focus on things that matter most. A good school for their children, safe streets for his family and his surroundings, a job that pays, so they can afford things for their children and pay for things for your family. And that is the bread and butter of the American dream and American Life. I do this in a very, very, very small. He focused on what he focused on one day since.
George Stephanopoulos: You mentioned GE jobs brought to Chicago. He is the economy here?
Rahm Emanuel: Yeah, you know, yes, but not enough for everyone. And one reason - and I'm not trying to make the announcement in the Comcast - to what to do, I need more manpower trained and prepared to manage the work ... tomorrow. And technology, if you think about it George, is supposed to be the great leveler. You want to apply for a job today, you really do online.
If you want to manage their own health record or health, treatment of their health online. Online banking. And yet if you look into the abyss, it's just - it's really an important factor in leveling the difference. And my investment and why I want to do it because I want every child, regardless of what neighborhood you grow up in conditions that you grow, you are familiar with technology like second nature.
George Stephanopoulos: You helped make Jon Huntsman ambassador to China.
Rahm Emanuel: This is a review of all my time as chief of staff? (Laughter)
George Stephanopoulos: Well, no, you did. And you expect?
Rahm Emanuel: No
George Stephanopoulos: In the presidential election? No.
Rahm Emanuel: No
George Stephanopoulos: Many Democrats think that would be the strongest Republican candidate. Are you one?
Rahm Emanuel: I am - what I think I'll be focused on what happens in this office and this work.
George Stephanopoulos: Still a national leader, the National Democratic.
Rahm Emanuel: I thought, I think, I think the president of the United States, people will judge - first, let me come back here. There will be an assessment of the president against whom. And I think if they get the country inherited the worst economic conditions since the Great Depression, an auto industry that was on his back and did a lot of people - even some of the Republican Party defending national leaders let go.
George Stephanopoulos Including: Mitt Romney.
Rahm Emanuel: Many of them said: "Let the U.S. auto industry get (unintelligible) -" I remember the president's speech to Congress. When the president said: "We will not leave - he was in America, where the car was invented to go on the side." He made a difficult decision, when many people were second guessers, the opponents United States. Took some hard decisions, has forced the industry. Management, Labor, bankers, suppliers, all made concessions. And it saved 1.2 million jobs in this country.
And it was against the winds of all the opponents and the other side, where the only model that existed before, it was Chrysler. And it had to do with the whole sector. And we are stronger for him, because he was ready to sail against the wind. Just take an industry, not to mention financial resources, apart from the recession, not to mention the war in Iraq. What are all the decisions he made during the first five months.
George Stephanopoulos: So, as mayor of Chicago who wanted to run against Democrats (laughter) (unintelligible phrase)?
Rahm Emanuel: First of all, first of all, it is a day of my third week. I just started. Voters make that decision. What I am very happy is that his optimism is not the place where they were before. They are delighted with the city. They are excited by the opportunity to really turn the page, press the reset button, and I have much work to make their lives better. And they will make an assessment as to whether I even deserve to run.
George Stephanopoulos: Well, we're out of time. But, you know, if you do a good job here, many Democrats are talking about you running for the presidency in 2016.
Rahm Emanuel: I have a job to do here and that's all I'm focused on.
George Stephanopoulos: You never think about that?
Rahm Emanuel: You know my wife. No. (laughs)
George Stephanopoulos: Mr. Mayor, thank you.
Rahm Emanuel: Thank you, sir.