Friday, June 10, 2011

Friday Night Lights ;to resolve episode

Synopsis: It seems that once the season, Friday Night Lights snatch an episode that refuses to resolve anything. Although the fan who wants something close to panic, the TV fan, to appreciate what the show is done, cook things, make things even more.

Take the story of Vince this week: It could have been eliminated if not resolved, on several occasions this year. I also was thinking about losing to the Lions for the first time this season to push him to apologize. And by the way, I thought that the banks come after him Eric. After receiving his little speech to his mother - and a different approach, using Mama Smash - I'm going to do something to mitigate the hatred coming your way. He spoke with Jessica Lucas or give advice in the middle of the game or the team management after the game. Nope. The closest we have is the celebration of his father, who is in full villain mode today.

Epyck seems lost forever, too, after she accidentally hits Tami. The Taylors do not give up, of course, but what Tami disadvantages of a school council and the law? It has no power to get your situation has changed, right?

We see around a corner to find Becky Riggins, and fall into the life of the strip club. By Mindy as a tutor, the issue is a fact of life. And she can not even do a romantic getaway. Lucas footsteps of their parents, but not yet approved, Mrs. Cafferty practically whistling for the girl who chose to stop his grandson called last year.

And the trip to Chicago, Julie is not a panacea. I'm glad Julie did not end with "Thank you for your hospitality - it would have been unbearable -. But Matt, she keeps saying that he will understand, is more reassuring Nothing is resolved (if it is the last we see.'s Gilford - and I'm not sure if it is -. I'm fine with that, it seems worth noting that the show will be without children show the exact details).

The best thing we have is to win the Lions with Lucas playing quarterback, which means that we will reach the playoffs the last four episodes. Sure, the show is not just going to let her crash and burn type, it is not in the DNA of the FNL - but he has no fear that the public suffers with the characters for a while. He has no fear that I hate Vince and Julie, even temporarily.

It's part of what makes this film much more daring than the television.

• Very new style options in the beginning of the episode, since the game through a series of flashbacks. It was shocking, but interesting. FNL has continued to grow.

• "For a practice is not a practice game." - Howard. Do you think that the writers who wrote with the knowledge of Iverson?

• "We are doing jackass. We're through" - Jess, you have to understand Jess will figure prominently in the transformation of Vince for good and has been very quiet this year a good episode for her, especially in the difficult phase, but with .. Eric Sweet.

• "Epyck, Gracie Bell! This is Gracie, and Epyck" Tami -.

• "I hope not to be annoying, but I think you and I -. We have to go to breakfast because I have a hunger and it is a very good bagel in the street" - Matt

• "Have you seen the beans?" - Julie, I saw the beans. "- Matt

• "I'm going to give me the child I need." - Billy

• "We Rigglet number two next to a theater soon. This is very good." - Billy

• "planning in the sense that Billy returned home as a degree, plaintive eighth excited and jumped on me and then on top of me and I felt like nachos all the time. This type of IT planning" -. Mindy