Monday, June 13, 2011

Congratulation For Shawn Marion

As Mark Cuban, Dirk Nowitzki and held delirium, it is time to face the sad reality that it may take some time before we see another game in the NBA.

Come July 1 of the NBA and its players will crash is something that no one knows when the game resumes. The owners and players are away from things, and everyone who loves the NBA just hope that will shorten the season and not run from the 2011-12 season (or remove completely).

At this stage, the parties seem so far away we will say that I hope you enjoyed the incredible playoffs just witnessed.

While the Suns were being sidelined for two months, all fans should feel good about Phoenix for Shawn Marion. The matrix has played excellent defense to limit the NBA LeBron James and Dwyane Wade finally gets his ring after so many years to come oh so close to Phoenix.

As long as you do not have bad feelings about Jason Kidd left the valley, you have to feel happy for him too, and then there Dirk, who must have skipped a level in the pyramid of great players, Bill Simmons. Dirk moved his legacy as an artist choke in the playoffs, putting the Mavs on his back and lead to an exciting race for the championship.

Shortly after the Spurs, the Mavericks were the main rivals for the heart of the Suns was Nash, with teams from the division of the classic series in 2004-05 and 2005-06. The teams were tied with the large number of players who seemed to play both teams in a given time, of Nash, but the Suns seem to be on the verge of rebuilding the Mavericks veteran finally reached the top of the league.

Do not leave the bank, unless the limit is open

The league has the opportunity for the Mavericks win tonight or it can be quite a decision on their hands.

A fight broke out during a period of time in the second quarter, as many banks were walking down the runway to greet his teammates took almost all the players on both lists, in the center of the courtyard.

Like everyone else in Twitter reminded me that the difference between this and / Diaw Amare situation I can not resist raising occurred during a break, when teams are allowed to enter the field.

But the rule was created to avoid a situation like this, where congestion in the center of the courtyard can defuse a fight in a hurry.

Tim Frank, a spokesman for the League, said in a statement that "a player is automatically suspended for leaving the bench, went to the bank for a period of time was called."

I understand that it is ridiculous to suspend key players such as LeBron James, who started walking on the court before the fight had begun. But it is also prudent to suspend Amare and Diaw strictly following the letter of the law, even if they did nothing to increase the incident but did not suspend players like Brian Cardinal and Joel Anthony, who has jumped into action, in violation of spirit of the law (Anthony ran the image for a fight!).

At this stage, it is a moot point, but I would have expected that the league has seen the suspension of at least an escalator as Anthony, instead of saving it, because of the importance of play.

Perhaps most fun for any fan of the Suns is that James Jones knew not to leave the bench area, where he was the only player without a heat load on the court. Maybe they learned something as a member of the Suns in 2006-07.