Friday, June 10, 2011

Bilderberg conference 2011a jolly good Rockefeller

Just when you thought four-day annual conference of the Bilderberg could not be more exciting, a police officer goes and finds a bomb. Or at least he went and found a "device for tube-like" in some corners, if you squint a little, kind of like a bomb. For these known bomb manufacturer - Pringles.

Suddenly the cry went out came the handcuffs, and two men (no one recognized) Bustled were in custody. We're still trying to figure out who they were or what they charge. Ownership of a tubular device is still frowned upon in Switzerland. Therefore, it is shaped Toblerone.

In light of these new patrols have been reinforced tubular threat, sniffer dogs started sniffing about, and everyone was a little behind the hotel. Although this should be a warning rather mild, early, as the first participants from zooming through the hotel doors in their limousines.

Bilderberg favorite power couple were spotted: Henry Kravis, head of private equity giant KKR (assets $ 60 billion) and his wife, Marie-Josée (Hudson Institute, the International Advisory Board of the Federal Reserve). Then, in a cylinder of Prince hawks "of Darkness" Richard Perle (Councillor Hudson Institute, PNAC, Hollinger, former Gaddafi - etc.)

We had the usual peekaboo hide and impenetrable black windows, but we also got lucky a couple smiles back. This guy can not believe his luck

Tea time, a huge helicopter flew the valley, and landed on the small local airport. It was one of the few do today, because of bad weather. Some of it made in private jets, their passengers were taken off the track, straight from the door. No passport showed a bag search, or a body scan. 'Go ahead, "we were told. I must remember to organize in advance the next time I go on holiday. These time savings.

Best time of day was the arrival of everyone's favorite Bilderberger, Papa Bear himself - the undisputed king of the club - David Rockefeller.

Is not it cute? Although a bit nasty of him to get out and about in the daylight like that. He knows it's bad for him.

God thank you, the bomb threat was a hoax, an explosion would have soured before the anniversary celebrations of Rockefeller. David turns 96 on Sunday, but honestly, it was not a day over 137.

Spry little David is the last surviving grandchild of John D. son Rockefeller was the grandfather who became famous competition a sin, and built one of the largest fortunes in the world. He was grandfather Rockefeller, who warned his Bible class: "Every disadvantage is traceable directly or indirectly, to restore communion victim" - and formally advised them: "Do not be a good guy."

But young David could not live like that. Throughout his life he tried his money where the widest good. As in 1961, when he was a loan Chase Manhattan $ 10,000,000 to support the apartheid economy approved. Even then, that generosity was not enough, so two years later, his bank with a number of other financial institutions for the South African regime to extend 40 million dollars in credit.

Of course, as David himself said: "We can not be idealistic in the capital should be invested in countries where political stability to ensure fair treatment for businessmen .." And with his partner tennis, Henry Kissinger, the master of realpolitik (and backhand topspin) at his side on the table Bilderberg, it is difficult to imagine many "idealism" permeates the group. Beyond the target heart-warming ensure fair treatment for the businessman.

It would be great that participants understand Bilderberg not so elected. Our own chancellor, George Osborne, was a member of series (2006-2009), our Prime Minister, David Cameron, attended seminars in 2008 before taking office. And do not forget Tony Blair attended. Not that he likes to admit it (he prefers to lie to Parliament does not).

Latest news: George Osborne MP is a participant in this year's list, just published a Swiss news agency. There is too much, Peter Mandelson. More on this shortly.

The politicians of the host country are generally quite thick on the ground, so it was no surprise to the arrival of the great Janome Barbara Steiner, director of the Ministry of Justice to see local Swiss canton.

Politicians to meet with the policy of Bilderberg and polishing companies such as W Edmund Clarke, president and CEO of the second largest bank in Canada, Toronto-Dominion Bank (total assets in 2010: 619.5 $ billion), and member of the Steering Committee of the Conference. map of San Moritz Clark was delayed due to bad weather, we were told. Poor W Edmund Clark. He missed quiz Etienne Davignon film "Golden Oldies" (fifteen in the conservatory).

Davignon was among the first arrivals. The rumor on the hill he will be replaced as honorary chairman of Bilderberg (sorry if you read this, Stephen, I hope not to ruin your weekend). It was Josef Ackermann, head of Deutsche Bank, the acquisition, but hopes Ackermann are little affected by recent accusations of involvement in dirty slush. Not that anyone in the Bilderberg is dirty. I mean, almost none of them wanted for war crimes. People do not insist on this point.