Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Apple unveiled iCloud online services

Apple said Monday that the online service will host users' digital lives on their servers free of charge and synchronize files between devices.

Ads Apple Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco, followed by similar measures cloud storage from Google and Amazon. When the services of the Cupertino company has become available this fall, he said, will be easier for people to use iPhones iPads and on your main computer.

Many updates are designed to allow users to forget that the files are stored where, for access to documents, music and photos from any device you happen to have on hand.

"Keeping in sync these devices is driving us crazy," said Apple CEO Steve Jobs to the audience at Moscone Center West, on the morning of Monday. "We will move the digital hub, the center of your digital life to the cloud."

Jobs, who has been sick since January, appeared thin but energetic as he led the developers and the press of the modernization of the Macintosh operating systems, mobile devices and clouds. After a brief introduction, the scene brought to Members to discuss most of the changes, before returning to icloud discussed in detail.

The speech marked the second coming of Jobs at an Apple event this year after his surprise performance at the launch of two Mars IPAD.

Jobs said the new synchronization service users to move towards a future where the pads and the phones do not need a connection to desktop computers and laptops for updates. From now on, "Jobs said, software updates will be delivered to wireless users.

Icloud give users 5 GB of free storage. The music and images, usually between the largest hog disk space is unlimited.

The MobileMe service replaces a service charge of $ 99 per year, has met with its launch in 2008 and did not gain significant traction. Icloud promised jobs marks a significant improvement.

"It was not our best - let me say this," he said of MobileMe. "But we've learned a lot."

Apple ads also move closer to what he calls "post-PC future." When it comes to icloud, customers will be able to create new iPhones and iPads by simply entering your existing Apple ID password. You can also create a new account on the device.

From there, the customers emails, photos, music, contacts and other information will be transferred to the new device automatically.

Current employees in 5200 received with applause from many of the ads, especially for future adjustments of Apple's mobile operating system IOS.

IOS 5, which will be available in the fall, has a better notification system that is most similar to notices of Google's Android operating system.

Users can drag on top of the screen and immediately view the time, taking into account the stock market, and a list of information about recent calls, text messages, emails and more.

Apple also announced a messaging system called IMessage that serves as a replacement for text messages to users who speak IOS devices. Users can send text, pictures and videos of a IPAD an iPhone, for example, then see the answer, then sync with iPod or other Apple device.

The updates work for those who have an iPhone 3G or later, the two models of generation and the iPod Touch IPAD third and fourth.

The speech also included the announcement of new options for synchronizing the music. Songs purchased from iTunes Store can be paired with up to 10 devices. $ 25 per year, customers can use iTunes feature called Match, which will analyze hard drives and allows users to sync songs found on iTunes to other devices.

The use of exploration and play goes beyond similar offerings from Google and Amazon, which revealed the cabinets of digital music from their own earlier this year. Both cabinets require users to manually download their music, a step that may take time for users with large collections.

Charles Golvin, an analyst at Forrester Research, said the deal under the clouds of Apple seems to be more robust than the manufacturers of other devices. And it seems easier to use, too, "he said.

"Do not even think about it - it looks like the device," said Golvin. "If you need something, it's there."

While much attention is focused on providing mobile phones, Apple also announced the availability of next Mac OS X Lion, the next version of Apple's operating system for desktop computers and laptops. For the first time, Apple is distributed exclusively through the upgrade of the Mac store implementation, online software store, launched earlier this year.