Friday, June 3, 2011

How is featured on Shark Tank ?

Cabot resident Jeff Stroop testified life on the line when he was a firefighter in Hot Springs. He saw firsthand how the second was lost when a firefighter had to take the time to connect the hose from the mouth.

Stroop knew that those lost minutes to connect a fire hydrant were simply too precious to be wasted.

He began working on a device that could make it easier to connect a fire hose to a terminal. Using his computer skills development in 1999, began working in various types of prototypes.

Finally, he found he knew the project work and what might be beneficial. He patented the design and creation of a business to sell and market called Hy-Conn.

Stroop, but failed to realize his dream at the moment. It still needed investors to get their business rolling.

For financial assistance he needed, he decides to jump into a shark tank -. "Shark Tank", the popular ABC show called

Stroop be applied to the program in 2009 through the program website. He did not think anything since, he claimed, until he received a call from ABC, in July 2010.

"When they told me that they were [on phone] I said," Uh, excuse me? "Stroop said." I called my wife and told her, and she did not believe me. "

"Shark Tank" has five investors - called the sharks - that are willing to offer his own money to make another person dream. Program participants to present their ideas and try to market towards the end, investors may offer a competitor to the "sharks". - Or the candidate mocks the scene.

Stroop appeared in the May 6 issue to launch his idea of ​​the connector terminal. Investors seemed interested in the idea, but have hesitated because government agencies - such as the local fire department - often have no extra money to buy items to facilitate its work. Investors Stroop was asked if he thought to be more attractive to a wider audience.

Stroop when pulled a smaller version to make it easier to connect a hose to a faucet.

Then the Sharks were interested. Mark Cuban and his colleague Kevin O'Leary shark acute Strooper for both possibilities, but Cuban deal that would attract more Stroop.

Stroop received an investment in the Cuban show - or so it appeared on the show. In air, the Cuban Stroop an investment firm offered $ 1,250,000 dollars, with 7.5 percent royalty, the Cuban Stroop wanted to work for him for three years at $ 100,000 per year.

But once the cameras were off, Stroop realized it was a different story.

"After the cameras were off, you get to do due diligence. We ended up doing nothing with him because he would not make production. Basically, he wanted someone to license," said Stroop . "I told him that if I wanted I could do without him. But [Cuban and I] still have a good relationship. We could not work a deal."

Since it aired, the company moved quickly Stroop. He worked diligently to get the house ready to be edited on the market, trying to get the Pro version ready for use by the fire department that requested the equipment.

"[My partner and I] are happy with what we did. Currently, we are just trying to get everything built. We're happy where you are. We're not millionaires, but we are on track, "Stroop said.

Hy-Conn connectors will be in Hot Springs and Stroop has other business in Bentonville, working to get the product at home to stores as quickly as possible.

The question of the house can be purchased www.hy on site for $ 19.99 which includes shipping and handling. The Pro edition can be purchased for $ 219 to $ 599 depending on the size of the item. Stroop said that if there are already products on the market that make the process of attaching a hose to a faucet much easier, he said his product offers advantages.

"Our connection is not leaking, and is very durable," he said.

The question of the house should be shipping orders the next two months, but he said he could be in stores early next year. The Professional Edition will be available in about three months, "he said.